
The Loss of a Pet

We have provided resources to help you cope with your grief. Please reach out to us if you need additional resources or specialized help with moving forward from your loss.



The Loss of a Pet

Losing a pet is never easy, and it’s only natural that we grieve over our lost companion. Our feelings toward pets are so extraordinary that experts have termed the relationship: the human/companion animal bond.

When this bond is severed, the sense of loss can be overwhelming. Society does not offer a grieving pet owner a great deal of sympathy. Psychologists now acknowledge that we need as much support, but receive far less, with the loss of a companion animal. Veterinarians realize that their final obligation to their pet patients also involves dealing with the pet owners’ grief.

This does not mean that veterinarians are trained as psychologists and psychiatrists. However, it does mean that the veterinary doctor, who knows you and your pet, also understands your natural feeling of loss-and is able to offer support.

> Launch Site



> Launch Site


Pet MD Funeral Home And Cremations Annapolis MD


Coping with your Pet's Death: An important Guide

> Launch Site

Kids Health Funeral Home And Cremations Silver Spring MD

Kids Heath

When a Pet Dies.

> Launch Site

Funeral Home And Cremations Service Rockville MD

APLB (Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement)

Professionally trained volunteers in pet bereavement counseling.

> Launch Site

Ahf Funeral Home And Cremations Frederick MD

Animal Heath Foundation

Pet Loss and Bereavement

> Launch Site

Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic

Grieving the loss of a pet

> Launch Site


Forever Faithful Pet Cremation & Funeral Care by Value Choice, LLC
519 Mabe Dr Woodbine, MD 21797

Office Hours 
Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
After Hours by Appointment Only 
(410) 552-0703

Forever Faithful Pet Cremation & Funeral Care by Value Choice, LLC
170 Rollins Ave Ste 500, Rockville, MD 20852

Office Hours 
Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
After Hours by Appointment Only 
(240) 428-1348

© Forever Faithful Pet Cremation & Funeral Care by Value Choice, LLC
Supported by SRS Computing and TA



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